Monday, September 30, 2019

When the CEO’s Personal Crusade Drives Decisions

The DM Bicycle Company (DMBC) had finally found itself with record hitting orders however, Gino Duncan DMBC’s CEO made it a point in the company’s budget meeting that a majority of the expected revenues will be used for the company’s new Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program focusing on Batten disease. This decision has been met with a lot of negative feedback from everyone in the company, they all believe that Gino wants to focus his CSR efforts on finding a cure for his daughter’s disease and that he does not have the company’s best interest in his actions.Carolyn Bridges, DM Bicycle Company’s HR director has to make it a point to set Gino straight. First and foremost, Carolyn needs to get more people on her side to be able to convince Gino but, considering that a number of employees from Jim Mitner, DMBC’s CFO to some of the front liners of the company, have the same concers. Carolyn, as the HR director she is in charge of e mployee morale, development and compensation should act as the spokesperson and representative of the workforce.She should confront Gino about how the employees feel about: (1) Gino prioritizing the budget on a CSR project to find a cure for his daughters disease which is backed up by his decision to set their current CSR program â€Å"Ride for Life†, a hard worked for program which had successfully raised employee morale and company public relations; on hold, (2) if participation in the new CSR will affect their evaluation and promotion, (3) and the scare of not having a CEO totally on board for the growth and benefit of the company.If left unattended the company might find employee morale falling and productivity down at a time the company needs a well-oiled workforce to meet the record rate demands it is currently faced with. Carolyn needs to make it a point that we keep employee morale high at this very critical transition point of the company.Moreover, Carolyn has to get others like Jim Miniter, DMBC’s CFO, and Gino’s close friend help come on her side to convince Gino that the company should prioritize improving the company’s financial position instead of spending it on noble causes because it has just gone through 3 tough years financially, they are in no position to spend most of its money in a CSR effort which will also give little gains to the company not like what â€Å"Ride for Life† has done for the DMBC.If all of the plans fail to convince Gino Carolyn should escalate the issue as the spokesperson of the workforce to the Board of Directors who have the power to overrule Gino’s decision in what should be the parameters of the company’s CSR they will implement. Moving forward, the CSR policies should not be for the CEO to decide but, something that is agreed upon by each department and agreed upon by the Board of Directors to make sure that we do not get into an issue of conflict of interest like thi s again.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Narrative Story †Alcohol Essay

Last night I had a weird dream that I picked up again. There were no sign of me wanting to quit. It was like I left off from where I stopped 8 months ago. But I had moved back to my family home in the dream and it was during that day when this dream started. I knew it wasn’t all real because my friend who so happened to be in my dream doesn’t actually drive and for some reason he was driving a yellow school bus†¦ Anyway, it was just me, my friend and another guy I’ve never seen. Its summer time and it’s a warm day out because we have the driver’s window open and we’re sweating a bit. So my friend is driving us up to a little town where we work and there’s only one grocery store up there. See more: how to start a narrative essay for college So we are on our way as we’re chatting about something and I don’t exactly copy everything my friend is saying, because I’m sort of staring out of the window sitting beside my friend which is in the driver’s seat. I believe my mind is occupied with whether I want to stop by the grocery and liquor store, so out of nowhere I shake my head out of my trance and said to my friend: – â€Å"Hey man, you’re going right by the grocery and liquor store right? He slowly nods his head and looks at me with his eyes glaring at me like he knew what I was thinking. – â€Å"Yeah, why?† He replies. -â€Å"It is none of your business!† I tell him. He starts to shake his head and is muttering something in disappointment. Within a few minutes he stops at a red light by the grocery and liquor store and I hop out and tell him to come get me within 20 minutes, and then he speeds away. I proudly start walking to the liquor store and start grabbing hard liquor bottles and some beers and I pay the Chinese man behind the counter with a big smile. I drank 3 beers and 2 liquor bottles within only  20 minutes, and as I start to get a bit drunk I walk over to where my friend dropped me off by the traffic lights and I see him just zoom on by and I’m yelling at him to stop. He keeps driving for another 10-20 seconds and with clumsy driving skills he pulls over to the left side of the road. I laughed a little bit and shake my head at his bad driving skills and I quickly walked over with all my bottles in my gray backpack and then he out of nowhere decides to drive away from me, again. I’m screaming at him to stop and the drives away again for about 20-30 seconds and then stops. And because I was in my dream I was not tired and I was able to keep up with the bus, and when he finally pulled over my friend and this other guy I don’t know jumped out of the bus and started to throw rocks at me! I’m yelling at them to stop and ask why they are trying to hurt me. After a short while they finally stop, I walk towards them and my friend starts screaming: -â€Å"Again? Really? I thought we already had this conversation, you promised me to never drink again! Think about your family and all the promises you’ve made! You shouldn’t be drinking, you almost died last time!† As I am trying to calm him down he just shoves me down to the ground again. I somehow try to get back up but my legs won’t move! He starts saying something like: -â€Å"I told you this day would come! Look at you now, you look awful and now you can’t even walk anymore because your body is too damaged from the alcohol intake!† And then I just woke up. All sweaty and shaky I realized it was all just a dream! It somehow felt so freaking real. And when I do think about when I was drinking a year ago, my life was like a dream. None of it seemed real, because I wasn’t living a real life. I kept on drinking all the time, promised myself and my family to stop drinking, but I never did†¦ I’d go to important meetings hung over and buzzed, just throwing my life and career away. I didn’t value life anymore. I felt I had no reason to live. I couldn’t stop drinking on my own, it was nearly impossible and I ended up in two different rehabs from September to December. A.A meetings and therapy is  a part of my past. I have 69 days sober today. Today, even though most days are way beyond shitty and my emotions somehow drown me, at moments I feel a genuine happiness that can’t be found in any pill or medication! I feel grateful that I can look at myself in the mirror and proudly say: â€Å"I’m not a bad person. I can’t change my past and no matter how dirty my past is, my future is absolutely spotless. I take it day by day and I do not drink no matter what. Addiction is what I had, not who I am.†

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Cross-cultural gender differences in the UK and Japan business Essay

Cross-cultural gender differences in the UK and Japan business - Essay Example Assessment of cross-cultural gender differences in business environment is extremely important due to a number of practical reasons. Apparently, the ways organizations value their employees determine a number of key business parameters, i.e.: organizational behavior and environment, communication, leadership, yet business performance. According to Hall culture serves a â€Å"silent language† which the parties need in addition to the language they are speaking in order to find a common ground for communication and mutual understanding. Business culture apparently serves a kind of â€Å"social glue† that binds people and provides them a clear identity as a community. Naturally, culture may also serve â€Å"social dissolvent† giving people a sense that they are different and belong to brand different communities. Cross-cultural gender differences bring the fundamental diversities into the business environment. According to Hofstede cultural dimensions, masculinity vs. femininity are the key factors that describe organizational culture in different states. In terms of gender differences Japan and the UK represent almost different poles. While Japan is the world’s most masculine society, the UK is masculine-feminine society. However, both countries are characterized as the societies with the growing role of women in business. The roles of women in business in Japan and the UK depend on anthropological issues significantly. While women in Japan have always been considered as mothers and housewives their counterparts in the UK have traditionally occupied the offices in business and governance. The cross-cultural gender differences reflect in the business practices of both states. ... Apparently, the ways organizations value their employees determine a number of key business parameters, i.e.: organizational behavior and environment, communication, leadership, yet business performance. According to Hall (1959) culture serves a "silent language" which the parties need in addition to the language they are speaking in order to find a common ground for communication and mutual understanding. Business culture apparently serves a kind of "social glue" that binds people and provides them a clear identity as a community. Naturally, culture may also serve "social dissolvent" giving people a sense that they are different and belong to brand different communities. In this survey I will evaluate cross-cultural gender differences in businesses in Japan and the United Kingdom, assess the impact of these differences on business practices and organizational effectiveness as well as evaluate the case studies of Japanese Toyota Corp. and the UK British Airways. Cross-cultural gender differences in the UK and Japan Nowadays there are at least several globally-recognized and influential frameworks of cultural differences assessment. Most of these frameworks have been designed specifically for business environment and include gender aspects (Inkeles and Levinson, 1969; McGregor, 1957; Hofstede, 1980; 1997; 2001). Among the models of cross-cultural gender differences Hofstede's framework seems to be most influential. Geert Hofstede was a Dutch organizational scientist employed by IBM in 1960s. Hofstede (1980) who was able to monitor organizational differences in cross-cultural perspectives assumed that there might be universal and culture-related variables that contribute to these differences. During 1968-1972 Hofstede analyzed the cases of 116.000 IBM

Friday, September 27, 2019

Is American Government corrupt in its purchase of land Essay

Is American Government corrupt in its purchase of land - Essay Example (Walter Lynwood Fleming lectures in Southern history. Louisiana State UP. Crosby, A. W. (1999). "Ecological Imperialism: the overseas migration of western Europeans as a biological phenomenon." American encounters: natives and newcomers from European contact to Indian removal. London: Routledge. Hoar, W. P. (2003). Manifest Destiny: Many 19th-Century Americans Believed Their Young Nation Was Destined to Extend the Benefits of Freedom and Opportunity across the Continent-From Sea to Shining Sea. The New American, Vol. 19. Lubragge, Michael T. "Manifest Destiny." Revolution to Reconstruction. Department of Alfa-Informatica of the University of Groningen in the Netherlands. Remini, R. "Andrew Jackson and Indian Removal." (1988). The legacy of Andrew Jackson: essays on democracy, Indian removal, and slavery. (Walter Lynwood Fleming lectures in Southern history. Louisiana State UP. .. Marshall, W.I. (1911). Acquisition of Oregon and the Long Suppressed Evidence about Marcus Whitman. Vol. I., pages 25-140. McClintock, T. (2003). "British newspapers and the Oregon Treaty of 1846." Oregon Historical Quarterly. Vol. 104(1), 96-109. Merk, F. (1967). The Oregon Question: Essays in Anglo-American Diplomacy and Politics Cambridge, Mass.: Belknap Press. Morrison, M. A. (1997). Slavery and the American West: The eclipse of Manifest Destiny and the coming of the civil war. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press. Neu, C. T. (2002). Handbook of Texas Online, s.v. "ANNEXATION," (accessed May 30, 2006). Remini, R. "Andrew Jackson and Indian Removal." (1988). The legacy of Andrew Jackson: essays on democracy, Indian removal, and slavery. (Walter Lynwood Fleming lectures in Southern history. Louisiana State UP. Rutland, R. A. 1987. James Madison: The Founding Father. New York: Macmillan. Smith, Gene A. 1999. "Our Flag Was Display'd Within Their Works": The Treaty of Ghent and the Conquest of Mobile. Alabama Review 52 (January): 3-20. Spence, M. D. (1999). Dispossessing the wilderness: Indian removal and the making of the national parks. New York; Oxford UP. Stephanson, A. (1995). Manifest Destiny: American expansion and the empire of right (Critical Issue Book). HarperCollins. Stuart, R. (1988). United States Expansionism and British North America, 1775-1871. U. of North Carolina. de Tocqueville, Alexis. (1990). Democracy in America, vol. 1 (New York: Vintage Books. 1835. Tutorow, N. E. (1978). Texas Annexation and the Mexican War: A Political Study of the Old Northwest. Palo Alto: Chadwick House. Wilson Moore, S. A. (2003). "We Feel the Want of Protection": The Politics of

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Inherent Nature of Faith Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Inherent Nature of Faith - Essay Example Two of the religious faiths to consider, would be Christianity and Buddhism. For Christians, they believe in one god, with that savior being Jesus Christ. With those of the Christian faith they believe, " a loving God who has revealed himself and can be personally known in this life. With Jesus Christ, the person's focus is not on religious rituals or performing good works, but on enjoying a relationship with God and growing to know him better," ("World Religions", p.1). The strongest characteristic to be found within the central framework of the Christian faith would be the inner belief in a singular god and as such, would be considered to be a monotheistic religion. Christian faith followers would believe in a singular spiritual guide for their spiritual guidance, or teacher, who would show them down the correct path. As for Buddhists, they in fact take a different approach to their faith in this case. For example, "Buddhists do not worship any gods or God. People outside of Buddhism often think that Buddhists worship the Buddha. However, the Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama) never claimed to be divine, but rather he is viewed by Buddhists as having attained what they are also striving to attain, which is spiritual enlightenment and, with it, freedom from the continuous cycle of life and death," ("World Religions", p.1). In contrast to those who refer to themselves as Christians who believe in one god, Buddhists do not elect to believe in a specific god. To put it more simply, "Buddha is just an enlightened being. If you are enlightened, you are Buddha too. All sentient beings can be Buddha," ("Buddhism", p.1). As a central tenet in Buddhist faith, the power has been placed in the hands of the individual faith believer, in comparison to those in the Christian faith, the place such power outside of themselves and instead rely upon the strength of their conviction that Jesus Christ is the true leader of their faith and where their devotion is meant to be placed within. For Christians, their desire to be loyal to Jesus also lies within their feeling that he truly controls the ability to influence all worldly things. In this vein, for Buddhists, "Although Buddha is the most supreme being known in all realms, he has no power to control everything. For instance, he is unable to change the principle of cause and effect. In other words, if you commit an evil deed, Buddha cannot save you by "waiving" the effect caused by your evil deed," ("Buddhism", p.1). As both religious faiths are considered, the characteristic of leadership for each would be one that would seek to place totalitarian allegiance to, while the other would seek to encourage the act of considering every individual follower as holding the true and strongest power and not follow the notion of requiring a specific individual or entity to hold the title of being the god, or leader, of their faith and their followers. Another characteristic of both faiths to consider would be the practice of prayer taken by Christians, while Buddhists seek to take part in meditation. For Christians, they take solace in the act of saying their prayers at times of discord, as well as an act of showing their devotion to Jesus and their strength found within their Christian faith. A very common prayer found within the Christian denomination, would be the prayer referred to as the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Branding makes differences Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Branding makes differences - Essay Example It should be an explicit expression of the value any product is really capable of delivering to a customer (Hand 2010, p. 6). It should aim at advocating a product as it really is to increase the number of loyal customer. In this context, graphic designing is worth mentioning because a standard image with powerful visuals is always required to promote a brand which is all branding is about. Branding can create a lot of difference by actively using the option of riveting graphic design in an increasingly globalized world (Anttiroiko 2014, p. 66). A large body of research explores this critically important relationship between branding and graphic design. It is suggested that graphic design is a very important ingredient that can create an extreme brand obsession or strong religious faith for a product (Cooke 2010, p. 74). General consensus is that though it can be a very daunting process, one demanding humongous lot of creativity, to come up with a genuine and riveting logo and mix it up with just the right amount of design charm, but to witness one’s creativity high up on a billboard is a very impressive feat for a brand designer. In the case of a product like body spray, sales can be improved by more than 100% if a new design is created which introduces a sassier graphic solution that is eye-catching and very tactfully â€Å"targets the younger, fashion-conscious, trend-led customer† (Ambrose & Harris 2011, p. 18). It is also the job of a graphic designer to come up with exciting ways of â€Å"interacting wi th different forms of media† (Davis & Baldwin 2005, p. 8). So, graphic design is also about communication, to convey the meaning or image of a brand to the world. Graphic designers can very much add new values to a culture as they strip them of their indigenous values â€Å"on behalf of globalising corporations† (Barnard 2013, p. 1967). To begin designing a brand image,

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

How Attitudes Influence an Organization Research Paper

How Attitudes Influence an Organization - Research Paper Example The importance of the attitudes is no different in the corporate world as well. We can observe in the job advertisement placed by the organizations in which they explicitly mention the importance of a â€Å"can do attitude† in the applicant. Therefore, it is important to understand why organizations need individuals with a positive attitude. Importance of Attitude The increasing competition within the corporate world has compelled organizations to be extremely dynamic in their approach. The need to adjust according to the demands of the market and customers and for this they need employees who have a positive and flexible nature to adjust immediately to the required changes. The increased number of companies has also not helped the cause for many organizations as it stiffened the competition in the market. In the situation where organizations needs to be extremely innovative in their business approach, require their employees to think out of the box. The creative thinking is o nly possible when an individual is trying to find a solution rather than just filling in the situation. ... ees are an integral part of any success that an organization achieves and hence it important for the companies to have employees who are always thinking of something new and innovative. Attitudes Influencing Organizations Generally Organizations perform their activity in a competitive commercial environment which is permanently changing, which forces them to constantly adapt to new conditions. In an organization, management is performed by people, through people. Essentially, the organizational transformation resides in a holistic approach, emphasizing the human dimension of the company, which simultaneously takes into account the changes for purposes on the whole, the structures, the culture and the strategy of the organization, based on new perceptions, ways of thinking and of behaving. The dynamic nature of the corporate world has increased the importance of evolving organizations. The rapid advancement in technology is also changing the way of business practices around the world. The employees, thus, needs to be extremely positive in their approach to accept these changes in the work environment. The competitive forces in the industries have somehow shortened the length of competitive advantage for the firms, as many other firms would master the art of producing it with some additional features that too in a very short span of time. The example of Smartphone is the perfect elaboration of the above discussion. In this situation, if employees resist changes in the organization, which is brought in it to move forward and compete in the industry, the organization is likely to fall out of the competition (Olatokun, Wole and Olalekan). The approach or attitude of the employees is thus of critical importance. Their attitude shapes the attitude of the organization as the

Monday, September 23, 2019

The Business Environment in Asia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

The Business Environment in Asia - Essay Example The top 30 companies in Indonesia belonged to the Salim Group and to Suharto's children. After the recession, new family conglomerates entered the scene but the structure of the private sector did not undergo substantial change. The economy continues to boom and the family businesses benefit. In Indonesia, the state plays the most vital role in the growth of the business groups. Lobbying and corruption are prevalent in conducting business and due to their continued influence, businessmen become politicians (Mahmood, 2011). Large-scale towns in Indonesia have their own police and their own government including private taxation collection. All public facilities such as health, water, sewerage, and sanitation are controlled by this self-styled government in individual townships. The business has so much of political clout and influence that they are able to sustain opaque ownership pyramid structure which originates in some other nation and develops monopoly as in the case of Instant No odles that belongs to the Salim Group. Such a system has its own disadvantages and advantages. While it provides capital, infrastructure, and source of business talent and entrepreneurship, it creates moral hazard, ethnic tensions, and state capture.Importance of building relationships is critical to the success of business in Indonesia. Relationships with the government officials help in expediting the bureaucratic process. It helps in streamlining the applications for obtaining licenses, permits, and information.... Indonesia The top 30 companies in Indonesia belonged to the Salim Group and to Suharto’s children. After the recession new family conglomerates entered the scene but the structure of the private sector did not undergo substantial change. The economy continues to boom and the family businesses benefit. In Indonesia the state plays the most vital role in the growth of the business groups. Lobbying and corruption are prevalent in conducting business and due to their continued influence businessmen become politicians (Mahmood, 2011). Large scale towns in Indonesia have their own police and their own government including private taxation collection. All public facilities such as health, water, sewerage and sanitation are controlled by this self-styled government in individual townships. The business have so much of political clout and influence that they are able to sustain opaque ownership pyramid structure which originates in some other nation and develops monopoly as in the case of Instant Noodles that belongs to the Salim Group. Such a system has its own disadvantages and advantages. While it provides capital, infrastructure and source of business talent and entrepreneurship, it creates moral hazard, ethnic tensions and state capture. Importance of building relationships is critical to the success of business in Indonesia. Relationships with the government officials help in expediting the bureaucratic process. It helps in streamlining the applications for obtaining licenses, permits and information (Facing the Challenge, n.d.). The national officials or pegawai negeri such as the notary in Indonesia are treated with respect. Such initiatives have facilitated the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

International student essay Essay Example for Free

International student essay Essay The relations between the representatives of various cultures, either social or economical grow stronger with each passing year due to the globalization. In my opinion, the opportunity to get to know the other cultures and lifestyles through communication with its representatives is invaluable, as no books, movies or reports about the chosen country, can present such complete and accurate information, as people can. The circumstances were that China became the country were I got my first serious working experience, after graduating with a major in Chinese and English from the acclaimed Daewon Foreign Language High School. I spent two years working in this country, and that was when I became interested in China, in the opportunities that the diverse and multiple populations of these state presents to the businessman, in the peculiarities and technologies of its fast-growing economy. That was when I felt that Chinese economics was growing, and I realized it had the potential for becoming the worlds biggest and most powerful one. It was than that I felt I was interested in establishing business relationships and working in that country. Considering these facts, I feel I would like to study with a person who grew up in China, in a state, whose social system and economy are very different from that in my country of origin. My opinion is that for to work successfully in a foreign country, you should be well acquainted with its language, cultural patterns, and the way of life, as they influence business directly. Communication with the person who spent his/her childhood and youth in the country of my interest would help me to have an insight into the specifics of life in China. Unfortunately, in the present time I have little opportunities of practicing Chinese, and studying with a person of Chinese origin would also improve my language skills. I believe that people can and, moreover, should study from each other, share their experiences, as it is the most convenient way to get the most valuable practical knowledge. I hope that while studying in the University of Texas in Austin both my classmates and I will have a chance to benefit from communication with students with various cultural and academic backgrounds.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Rocking Chair Test Essay Example for Free

The Rocking Chair Test Essay By saying The Rocking Chair Test, Jeff refers to the time when he will be old and spend most of his time in the rocking chair thinking about things he has done in his past. Jeff wants to bring the facts of life to the readers notice and suggests that the rocking chair is not very far. He wants to show how small things which he did would reflect on his future and in the end, would it be worth the effort, put in for that action. Jeff figuratively points out whether the work that he does today capitalizes in future. Rather than wasting his time on smaller, irrelevant things, he could do something that may be more memorable or productive and would make him happy whenever he thinks about it. Jeff wants to cherish all the time that he will have lived when he will be old and sitting in his rocking chair thinking of his past. Jeff suggests, everyone should apply daily activities to the rocking chair test. He thinks that if everyone relates their daily chores to the rocking chair test, everyone would lead a cheerful life when they are older. Everyone will be contended by doing everything worthwhile in the past. In one of the extracts Jeff also portrays that doing something is better than owning. According to Jeff, a person will not cherish what he would had bought, more than what he could had done, in the past. 2]. According to Jeff, balancing the enjoyments of the present with the responsibilities of everyday life is trickier than what it sounds. It is mostly a personal opinion on what one would like to spend his time on. One has to decide individually, whether the acts done in the present would satisfy the doer when he thinks of it when he is old. Jeff wants to instill the rocking chair in everyone’s lives, but he says that the test results could vary for different people with different opinion. Both, leisure and work are an essential part of our lives. We often aren’t able to decide, what the best course of action is, and generally land in a dilemma. Jeff suggests gauging all acts against the satisfaction scale of the rocking chair test. It is a potential answer to this problem. Everyone has obligations, they need to honor. Some of these may be quintessential. The rest may just be of PPatil Page 2 4/12/2017 no relevance. Rationalize on what would be more pleasing to you when you think about it, sitting on your rocking chair. There will always be options that may entertain you, but then will it really amuse you when you think of it in your old age. The rocking chair test is certainly a good principle to live by if you want to live happily ever after. 3]. Things that would not pass Jeffs rocking chair test may not necessarily fail for everyone. One may give more importance to reading books and the other would feel that firsthand experience would be of more relevance. The decision would be purely personal based on individual thought pattern. If I get to apply the rocking chair test to my life, there would be a number of things I would eradicate from my schedule. Things like smoking would make no sense on the rocking chair test. I will never feel, Damn, I should have smoked some more. Health related stuff would gain priority so that the rocking chair stays as far as possible. I would take a more logical approach towards the future with the rocking chair test at hand. The rocking chair test will restrain television time to almost negligible. I certainly don’t want to miss reviewing a few, recent artist albums but I think experiencing a big release concert would make all the more logic. Also when applied to job, I would make most out of my time and effort, only to cherish the present achievements in future and reap their benefits. Jeff concludes that the rocking chair is closer than we think and I think that Jeff is right by all means.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Business and Economic Environment in Lagos | Analysis

Business and Economic Environment in Lagos | Analysis 1.0  INTRODUCTION Business is seen to operate within an environment. This environment could either present a threat or an opportunity to the organizations that operate in it. This essay aims to describe the business environment in the city where the researcher lives. The first section will give an overview of what business environment is all about. Furthermore, Lagos state will be used as a case study to examine the business environment where the researcher lives. Then, different forces or conditions that encourage or inhibit business activities in Lagos state will be discussed 2.0  AN OVERVIEW OF BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT According to Nyandat (2013) Business environment can be defined as forces or surroundings that affect business operations. These forces may include customers, competitors, suppliers, distributors, industry trends, substitutes, regulations, government activities, and economy, social, political and cultural factors. Ogunro (2014) explained business environment as the combination of all environmental conditions and influences that are capable of affecting or influencing business activities. Furthermore, Obiwuru et al (2011) also defined environment of business as the aggregation of the pattern of all the external and internal conditions and influences that affects the existence, growth and development of the business. For the purpose of this essay, Lagos state in Nigeria will be used as a case study to analyze the business environment in the city where the researcher resides. Lagos state is the former capital of Africa’s largest country, Nigeria; it is the most populated city in sub-Saharan region with more than 15 million people. Lagos is called center of excellence because of its reputation of housing the very best of Nigeria’s skilled workforce. It is also home to the country’s top industries and businesses with over 65% of imported goods passing through its ports and 80% of manufacturing being handled within or around its vicinity. With such massive economic facts, Lagos is the life-wire of the Nigerian economy. This is best explained by the fact that no macro-economic activity can ever succeed with Lagos being alienated. There are forces or conditions that encourage or inhibit business activity in Lagos and these include: 2.1  Human Capital: The population of Lagos is a very good advantage for business entrepreneurs because both skilled and unskilled workforce is available and very cheap. Lagos state has a population of more than 15 million people of which 75% of them are youths and eager to work in order to earn a living. The city has the best of skilled workforce from diverse regions including foreign experts. This has helped the business activity because you can get any expert you want at a very affordable price. 2. 2 Inadequate Power Supply: Inadequate power supply is one of the major challenges that affect the business activity in Lagos. Every company has a standby power generator which is being used when there is power failure .Firms expenditure on diesel and petrol (as the case may be) is unbearable and this is affecting the productivity. This development is impacting negatively on the business investment due to increased expenditure on diesel and petrol by enterprises. This also comes with the consequences of declining productivity and competitiveness. Many companies have been closed down due to inadequate power supply while some companies where forced to relocate to the nearby country. Nigeria has lost very huge amount of money due to inadequate power. â€Å"In 1990, the World Bank estimated the economic loss to the country from power inefficiency, at about N1 billion† (Adenikinju, 2005, p.3). Using telecom industry in Nigeria as an example; which is an Oligopolistic market where we have very few telecom industries; their major challenge is power which they use to power all the base stations across the country. Most of them spend an outrageous amount of money to power these base stations because they cannot afford to have network failure due to power outage. â€Å"Telecom Operators Spend N10 Billion Annually to Power BTS† (Nurudeen, 2014, p.1) 2.3  Security Situation Insecurity is another major concern that affects businesses in Lagos, there is very high rate of insecurity in the city and this made some foreign investors to decline from investing in the country. The security agencies are trying to ensure a secure and peaceful society but the government still needs to do more in order to give the foreign investors courage to come in and invest. Using Oil and Gas sector as an example, where we have Oligopolistic market structure and the price is being controlled and regulated by the government, there is a lot of oil theft and pipeline vandalism in the downstream sector which affects the economy. â€Å"The latest estimates by the Finance Minister, Dr Mrs. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala put the oil theft at about 400,000 barrels per day; the environment of the affected communities also suffers serious degradation as a consequence of this problem†. (Ibru, 2014, p.2) 2.4 Poor Infrastructures Lack of good infrastructure in the city is another major challenge; many companies have their industries located at the industrial layout which is quite far from the metropolis. Commuters find it very difficult to access some remote places to buy products due to bad roads. (Gilbert, 2009) Access to raw materials for the company use is a major challenge; also distribution of goods and services to the metropolis is also a big problem due to bad roads. There is a lot of traffic congestion in the metropolis and valuable hours are being lost due to traffic which is caused by bad roads. There is no good health care sector for the poor masses, many people could not have access to medical care because of widespread poverty in the country and this is causing very big negative impact to the country due to high mortality rate. 3.0 Conclusion: The economic environment in Lagos state has been facing a lot of challenges but despite all that, they were able to create jobs, wealth for individuals, as well as revenue for the government through employment and taxation. 4.0 References: Adenikinju, F. (2005) Analysis of the cost of infrastructure failures in a developing economy: the case of the electricity sector in Nigeria. Volume 148 of AERC research paper, African Economic Research Consortium. Gilbert, C. (2009). Nigerias Bad Roads Are Getting Worse. Available: [Accessed 4th June 2014] Ibru, G. (2013) Press conference on the economy by the Lagos chamber of commerce and industry. 2nd Quarter [Online] Available from: [Accessed 27th May 2014]. Neyandat, C. (2013) how do you analyze the business environment? Gakus, 21st Oct. Available from: [Accessed 4th June 2014] Nurudeen, A. (2014) Interview with the C.E.O of Airtel Nigeria, Daily Trust, [Online] 10th February.p.1. Available from: [Accessed 28th May 2014] Obiwuru T. Oluwalaiye, B. Okwu, T. (2011) External and Internal Environments of Businesses in Nigeria: An Appraisal in International Bulletin of Business Administration (12) OGUNRO, O. (2014).International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences. 4th ed. Rufus Giwa Polythecnic, Owo, Ondo state, Nigeria: HR Mars. Question 2 1.0 INRODUCTION: Macroeconomics can be defined as study of economics that is more concerned with government structures, behavior and decision making which affects the country as a whole. It deals more with the country’s economy which includes; gross domestic product (GDP), unemployment rate, price indices, exchange rate, Inflation. When a country is experiencing macroeconomic stability, it means that the country’s economy is very stable; the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is very good, unemployment is reduced to the minimal rate and low inflation. The aim of this essay is to examine the effectiveness of various approaches that may be used to reduce macroeconomic instability; while exploring different policies which a country’s government could use to achieve macroeconomic goals 2.0 AN OVERVIEW OF MACROECONOMICS: Macroeconomics is concerned with government economic performance, it focuses on the economic trend of a nation. Macroeconomics deals with factors that that affect the country’s economy. Macroeconomic instability is major concern to any government and all possible measure must be taken to ensure that economic stability is maintained. Any country that suffers macroeconomic instability will possibly have a high rate of inflation, unemployment, low GDP or total recession. Different kinds of measure are taking by different countries to ensure that they maintained a stable economy. Below are some highlighted measures/policies which can be used to ensure that macroeconomic instability is reduced. 2.1 Privatization Privatization can be defined as a process by which some inefficient and ineffective sector is being transferred to be managed by more efficient private sector for the benefit of economic growth. This will allow the government to perform its primary functions, that is administration of law and order thereby leaving the actual running of business enterprise to private sectors. Nwoye (2012) defined privatization as the transfer of ownership and control of enterprise from state to the private sector. The main reason why government privatize the public sector is because of economic stability and this could be explained below: To enhance efficiency in the public sector: there are so many inefficiency in public sector due to nonchalant attitude of the workers. Most of the public servants believe that government are for the people, so they can do whatever they want without being fired and this affect the governments economy, there are so many ghost workers being paid by the government which affects the expenditure. But when handed over to private sector, they become more efficient and generate more revenue for the government because the private sector cannot afford to lose money like the government, they will cut down the cost overhead to the barest minimum to be able to generate revenue which will help in the economic growth of the country. To decontrol the economic system by reducing unnecessary administrative controls of the government : deregulating the economic system helps the government to focus more on the administration of the nation by implementing law and order and good policies that will help in the economic growth. The government handing over the business management to the private sector will reduce their cost overhead and also increase efficiency in the administration of the nation. To decrease the volume of unproductive instruments in the public sector: as mentioned earlier, there are a lot of unproductive people and instrument in the public sector, nepotism and godfathers has contributed to inefficiency in the public sector where round peg is been put in a square hole. But when these sectors are being privatized, all these unproductive people and instrument will be removed and replaced with more productive instrument which will increase the employment and delivering of the goods and services thereby generating sufficient revenue for the government. To fortify the role of the private sector in the economy which will warranty employment and higher capacity utilization: Fortification of the role of the private sector in the economy is very important as this will help in decreasing the level of unemployment in the country and which helps in economic stability. Reduction of political interference in the public sector: politicial interference in the public sector increases the rate of corruption which affects the economy, but without the interference of the politicians when privatized, the sectors will be more productive with less corrupt practices. 2.2 Public Private Partnership (PPP) Omoh (2012) confirmed that government across the globe have come to terms with the fact that public sector cannot provide the needed infrastructure and have come to the conclusion that private sector participation in the provision of infrastructure in inevitable. Public private partnership is where the government and private sector goes into partnership to bring economic growth through building and construction of infrastructures, managing them for a shot term or long term and finally hand them over to the government after a stipulated period as agreed. This partnership helps to increase the gross domestic product and it can be done is so many ways; it could take the form of Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT), Build-Operate-Own (BOO), Build-Own-Operate-Transfer (BOOT), Design-Build-Operate-Transfer (DBOT), Design-Build-Finance and Operate (DBFO). Other less common ones are; Build-Rent/Lease-Transfer (BRT or BLT) Build-Transfer and Operate (BTO). Omoh (2012) The Scope for the public private partnership ranges from Power generation plant and transmission, roads and bridges, ports, airports, railways, inland container depots and logistics hubs, gas and petroleum, water supply, housing, educational facilities (e.g. Schools, Universities) and healthcare facilities. This helps the government to spend less money on these areas while the partners will finance and manage these sectors for some time to recover their invested money. 2.3 Fiscal Policy Heakal (2013) defines fiscal policy as the means by which a government adjust its spending activity and tax rates in order to monitor and influence a nation’s economy. Heakal (2003) also confirms that fiscal policy is based on the renowned British economist, John Mynard Keynes, who is known as Keynesian economics; his theory shows that government can influence macroeconomic stability / productivity level by increasing or decreasing tax levels and public spending. This influence will in turn curb inflation, increase employment and maintain a healthy value of money. Gbosi (2008) says that fiscal policy entails the government’s management of the economy through the controlling of its income and spending power in order to achieve certain desired macroeconomics objectives in which economic growth and stability is among them. Jhingan (2006) also acknowledges the power of fiscal policy as an instrument of macroeconomic stabilization. Iyeli Ijomah (2013) also established that if fiscal policy is used with circumspection and synchronized with other measures, it will possibly smoothen out business cycle which leads to economic growth and stability. Based on the above explanations, it could be said that Fiscal policy is a way or method the government is using to control economic goals in order to maintain stability in the nation’s economy. Fiscal policy can come as increase in taxation or government expenditure in order to influence aggregate demand (AD) and level of economic activity. AD can be defined as the total level of planned expenditure in an economy (AD= C+ I + G + X – M) where C= Consumer spending, I= Investment, G=Government Spending, X= export, M= Imports) The government might implement the fiscal policy in order to stimulate economic growth in a period of a recession, the government can also use fiscal policy to keep inflation low. Mainly, fiscal policy aims to stabilize economic growth in order to avoid boom and bust economic cycle. 2.4 Taxation Anyanwu (1997) defined taxation as the compulsory transfer or payment from private individuals, institutions or groups to the government. Nzotta (2007) stated the four key issues that must be understood for taxation to play its function in the society; first, a tax is a compulsory contribution made by citizens to the government and this contributions is for general common use. Secondly, a tax imposes a general obligation on the taxpayer. Thirdly, there is a presumption that the contribution to the public revenue made by taxpayer may not be equivalent to the benefits received. Finally, a tax is not imposed on a citizen by government because it has rendered specific services to him or his family Anyanwu (1993) also pointed out that there are three basic objectives of taxation; these are to raise revenue for the government, to regulate economic activities and to control income and employment. Nzotta (2007) also confirmed that taxes generally have allocation, distribution and stabilization functions. The allocation function of taxes talks about determination of the pattern of production, the goods that should be produced, who produces them, the distribution function of taxes relates to the manner in which the effective demand over economic goods is divided among the individuals in the society while the stabilization function of taxes deals with attaining high level of employment, a reasonable level of price stability and appropriate rate of economic growth, with allowances for effects on trade. Conclusion: The above listed methods/ policies has been used by so many countries to maintain economic stability and Nigeria as a country has introduced these policies which is now helping the government to stabilize the economy. References Anyanwu, J.C., 1993. Monetary Economics: Theory, Policy and Institutions. Hybrid Publishers, Onitsha Anyanwu, J.C., 1997. Nigerian Public Finance. Joanne Educational Publishers, Onitsha Gbosi, A.N (2008) Contemporary Macroeconomic problems and stabilization policies, Portharcourt, Automatic Ventures. Heakal. R. (2013) Investopedia. What is fiscal policy? [Online] Available rom: [accessed 2nd June 2014]. Iyeli I.I Ijomah M.A (2013) A Re-examination of fiscal policy applicability in Nigeria’s economic growth process: An econometric policy evaluation from empirical evidence. Vol 3. (4 July 2013) P.180 – 188 Jhingan, M.L (2006) Macroeconomic Theory. New Delhi. Vrinda Publishers. Nwoye .I. 2013, Privatization of Public Enterprises in Nigeria: The views and counterviews. [Online] Available from: [Accessed 3rd June 2014] Nzotta, S.M., 2007. Tax evasion problems in Nigeria: A critique. Niger. Account. 40(2): 40-43 Omoh G. (2012) Public Private Partnership: The new way to infrastructural provision, Vanguard, [Online] 17th December. P.7. Available from: [Accessed 30th May 2014]

Thursday, September 19, 2019

COMPOSITE MATERIALS Essay -- Sturctures, Types, Mechanical Propertie

The word composite comes from the latin â€Å"composititus† meaning made up of distinct parts. A composite material is a material composed of two or more distinct materials[1], or constituents, with one constituent acting as the reinforcing phase and the other as the matrix[6]. A composite material is defined by having different macroscopic behaviours, or chemical and physical properties then its constituent materials, and has a distinct interface boundary on the microscopic level[5]. Structure of Composites In a composite material the constituents are arranged generally with the reinforcement phase embedded in the matrix phase. Due to a composite being essentially a mixture between the reinforcement phase and the matrix there is no intermolecular bonding between the two, however, as in the case of fibrous composites, the most mechanically efficient structure is a criss-crossed fibrous lattice suspended in a material matrix. In the case of particulate composites however, the reinforcement phase acts essentially to strengthen the matrix material adding support. Types of Composites Composite materials are usually classified according to the type of their reinforcement phase. The two main types of composites are fibrous composites and particulate composites, which may again be divided further. In fibrous composites the fibres acting as the reinforcement, may be either continuous or chopped, and suspended in a material matrix. In composites in which the reinforcement phase is composed of either chopped or discontinuous fibres, the composite may have an either random or biased orientation. They may be used to make single layer composites or lamina. In particulate composites particles are suspended in a ... ...onent which gives little deflection when acted upon by a given weight is desirable, so a material with maximum ties in tension (E/Ï ) component which gives the least deflection for a given weight is that made of a material with a maximum E/Ï  (ties in tension), E1/2/Ï  (beam in bending) or E1/3/Ï  (plate in bending). As explained in the diagram below.[4] Works Cited 1 - 2- 3 - 4 - 5- 6-DT260-2 BSc in Industrial and Environmental Physics - Mech Properties and Materials- CERAMICS 7- COMPOSITE MATERIALS Essay -- Sturctures, Types, Mechanical Propertie The word composite comes from the latin â€Å"composititus† meaning made up of distinct parts. A composite material is a material composed of two or more distinct materials[1], or constituents, with one constituent acting as the reinforcing phase and the other as the matrix[6]. A composite material is defined by having different macroscopic behaviours, or chemical and physical properties then its constituent materials, and has a distinct interface boundary on the microscopic level[5]. Structure of Composites In a composite material the constituents are arranged generally with the reinforcement phase embedded in the matrix phase. Due to a composite being essentially a mixture between the reinforcement phase and the matrix there is no intermolecular bonding between the two, however, as in the case of fibrous composites, the most mechanically efficient structure is a criss-crossed fibrous lattice suspended in a material matrix. In the case of particulate composites however, the reinforcement phase acts essentially to strengthen the matrix material adding support. Types of Composites Composite materials are usually classified according to the type of their reinforcement phase. The two main types of composites are fibrous composites and particulate composites, which may again be divided further. In fibrous composites the fibres acting as the reinforcement, may be either continuous or chopped, and suspended in a material matrix. In composites in which the reinforcement phase is composed of either chopped or discontinuous fibres, the composite may have an either random or biased orientation. They may be used to make single layer composites or lamina. In particulate composites particles are suspended in a ... ...onent which gives little deflection when acted upon by a given weight is desirable, so a material with maximum ties in tension (E/Ï ) component which gives the least deflection for a given weight is that made of a material with a maximum E/Ï  (ties in tension), E1/2/Ï  (beam in bending) or E1/3/Ï  (plate in bending). As explained in the diagram below.[4] Works Cited 1 - 2- 3 - 4 - 5- 6-DT260-2 BSc in Industrial and Environmental Physics - Mech Properties and Materials- CERAMICS 7-

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

How Home-Schooling Really Got Started :: Essays Papers

How Home-Schooling Really Got Started People have often been known to find comfort in numbers and to therefore enter into social contracts with others living around them. People feel safer in groups and so they choose to give up certain rights and privileges for protection from their peers. This inevitably leads to domination of man over man. People choose leaders to make their decisions for them, or they do as the majority says. It is very rare for people to make rational decisions and carry to them to their full potential once they have entered into a social contract. The desire to follow the crowd which is created by this social setting is deplorable and is therefore the main object of critism in Henrick Ibsen’s play An Enemy of the People. The characters in this play all live together in a town ruled by what is known as the compact majority. This majority is led by a group of town officials who come up with plans and policies on which the people may vote. This system offers no chance for the freedom of individuals. Beginning with a speech discussing â€Å". . . the colossal stupidity of the authorities,† Doctor Stockmann deconstructs this appalling social system. This speech criticizes the lack of intelligence the authorities have shown and the need for their destruction. If freedom is to exist for individuals, the first step must be to do away with worthless officials and authorities that force the people to make a choice from the narrow selection they provide. What is right in one situation may not hold true in another, but the authorities force all people to live under the same laws with the same punishments instead of allowing for diversity. However, Stockmann does not stop there. In fact, he says t hat the authorities are not the main problem, but that instead â€Å"The most dangerous enemy of truth and freedom among us is the compact majority.† This majority follows its leaders blindly without ever giving thought to any alternative outside of the shielded path on which they are directed. â€Å"People that do that are . . . so very far from distinction.† These people have given up their won right to think and have doomed themselves to lives that can never meet the full potential of the human experience.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Bath Salts

SaltsHistory: 1960s– MDPV was developed for treatment of chronic fatigue, but caused problems of abuse and dependence. 1969:  Boehringer Ingelheim filed a patent application for MDPV. 2005:  MDPV first appeared as recreational drug. 2007:  First seizure of MDPV as a recreational drug, by customs officials in German state of Saxony. 2008:  First seizure of MDPV in the United States. 2009:  MDPV became illegal in Denmark. 2010:  MDPV made a controlled drug in the UK, Sweden, Germany, Australia and Finland. First reports of the widespread retail marketing of ‘bath salts' containing MDPV in the U.S. The US recognizes both Mephedrone (July, 2010) and MDPV (December, 2010) â€Å"a drug and chemical of concern†. 2011:  MDPV sale and possession are banned in Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Ut ah, Virginia, Washington State (as of November 3, 2011), West Virginia, Wisconsin and Wyoming, with legislation being introduced in many other states.The DEA moved to temporarily ban MDPV, Mephedrone and Methylone on October 21, 2011 2012:  Permanent U. S. ban is imminent on few, select chemicals. In 2012 the Congress passed the  Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act—Synthetic Drugs which will list MDPV and Mephedrone, but not Methylone. Facts/Terminology: â€Å"Bath Salts† are man made products of naturally occurring drugs, created and made popular by â€Å"armchair chemists† encouraged by profit potential and whose business insight is much more developed than their chemistry abilities.MDPV is a legal stimulant who's chemical name is Methylenedioxypyrovalerone, the active ingredient in â€Å"Bath Salts†. Mephedrone, is a synthetic drug of the amphetamine class. Although the drug is not related to actual bath salts, it’s someti mes sold under the label. It is made from various amphetamine-like chemicals, and can be inhaled, swallowed or injected. The drug is also sold under other product labels such as: jewelry cleaner, iPod cleaners, insect repellent, iPod screen cleaners, pump-it-up powder, etc.Slang Names: Red Dove, Blue Silk, Zoom, Bloom, Cloud Nine, Ocean Snow, Lunar Wave, Vanilla Sky, Hurricane Charlie, Ivory Wave, White Lightning, Scarface, Purple Wave, Blizzard, Star Dust, Lovey-Dovey, Snow Leopard, Aura. Short Term Effects: -Rapid heart beat, Sweating, Anxiety, Hypertension, Mild Stimulation, Aggression, Insomnia, Increased body temp, chills, sweating, Agitation, Breathing difficulty, Confusion , Dizziness, Headache, Pupil dilation, Nosebleeds, Increased alertness/awareness. Long Term Effects:Fits and delusions, Hallucinations, Kidney pain, Lack of appetite, Liver failure, Loss of bowel control, Muscle spasms, Muscle tenseness, Vasoconstriction (narrowing of blood cells), Nausea. Stomach cramps, D igestive problems, Psychotic delusion, Renal failure, Rhabdomyolysis (release of muscle fiber contents [myoglobin]—could lead to kidney problems), Severe paranoia, Suicidal thoughts, Tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), Tinnitus. Laws and Enforcement: â€Å"U. S. laws prohibit the sale or possession of all substances that mimic illegal drugs, but only if federal prosecutors can show that they are intended for human use.People who make bath salts and similar drugs work around this by printing ‘not for human consumption’ on virtually every packet. † (CNN 2011)† Economics: Scientists that are just starting out , make strong bath salts and sell them at $15 a package. The formulation varies, and its effects are not fully understood, though research suggests it is highly addictive. In 2010, poison-control centers reported receiving 304 phone calls related to bath salts; in 2011 the number of calls soared to 6,138. Bibliographies: * Austin. Many Synthetic Drugs S till Legal after â€Å"bath Salts† Ban. †Ã‚  CBSNews. CBS Interactive, 4 Aug. 2012. Web. 03 Nov. 2012. . * â€Å"Bath Salts May Be as Addictive as Cocaine, Study Suggest† Live Science. Bryner, Jeanna. October 30, 2012. † ‘Bath Salts' -Emerging and Dangerous Products† NIDA. Volkow, Nora D. October 30, 2012. â€Å"Bath Salts† Drug Guide. October 30, 2012. â€Å"Bath Salts† Above the Influence. October 30, 2012. â€Å"Synthetic Drug Known as Bath Salts† Poison Help. October 30, 2012. http://www. poisoncentertampa. org/drug-abuse. aspx#bath-salts * â€Å"The Straight Dope on What Bath Salts Do to Your Brain And Why They're Dangerous† Forbes. DiSalvo, David. October 30, 2012. ttp://www. forbes. com/sites/daviddisalvo/2012/06/05/the-straight-dope-on-what-bath-salts-do-to-your-brain-and-why-theyre-dangerous/ * Austin. â€Å"The Synthetic Scare. †Ã‚  The Economist. The Economist Newspaper, 04 Aug. 2012. Web. 03 Nov . 2012. . * Duncan, Glenn. â€Å"HDAP – Comprehensive Drug Information on â€Å"Bath Salts† (MDPV, Mephedrone). †Ã‚  HDAP – Comprehensive Drug Information on â€Å"Bath Salts† (MDPV, Mephedrone). Hunterdon Drug Awareness Program, 29 June 2012. Web. 03 Nov. 2012. http://www. hdap. org/mdpv. html

Monday, September 16, 2019

The Tropical Rainforest

The tropical rainforest is the biggest and most complexed ecosystem in the world. It holds more than half of the world's animals and plantlife, Including a huge majority that haven't even been discovered yet. The rainforest compared to Britain is 30 times larger, covering around 8 million km. Some of the forest is destroyed everyday, including animal and plantlife. The forest from above is a vast green quilt of trees, giving off several different shades. From air you can see the emergents, which grow up to around 50m in height, these are accompanied by the canopy, which are 15m lower down. The under canopy's are 10m in height and the lowest of all are the shrubs and bushes. The ground of the forest is dark and damp, smelling of decaying matter. Long creepers or lianas trail to the ground, entangling themselves in the branches. The forest canopy is described to as the ‘engine' of the rainforest. This is because, it's where most of the photosynthesis takes place, and you will also be able to discover all of the forests fruits and animals. The average rainfall of the forest is 2,000mm. All of this rain is called classic convectional rainfall, it falls regularly every day at the same time (throughout the year). 80% of this rain is recycled back up into the atmosphere. The rest of the rain is collected in the rivers and streams which flow back out to the sea. The soils of the rainforest are of a poor quality, this is due to all the leaching that takes place. The soil is very thick, about 20m (60feet). This is because it has been weathered for a long time, with all the heat and wetness. The roots in the trees are found close to the surface of the ground, this is where all of the nutrients are found, from falling leaves. There are two cycles in the tropical rainforest, a nutrient cycle, where the leaves fall and hit the ground to be fed on by the decomposers, and a water cycle, where the rain falls, some of it collecting in the leaves and some of it making it's way down to the forests floor, and rivers, 80% of it is recycled. In this essay I will be writing about the tropical rainforest. It will consist of 7 different parts including the introduction, the other parts are the location of the forest, the structure and diversity of the forest, forest processes, about slash and burn, other human use of the rainforest, opinions on the forest and the future. The location of the tropical rainforests is the following; inside the tropics, 23.5 degrees north and south equator. South America, Africa and South East Asia. Most of it locating in south America. In Asia it is 0.7% a year, Africa it is 0.3% a year and in Latin America it is 0.5% a year. The tropical rainforest has an incredible amount of diversity about it. The forests cover around 6% of the earth's land surface. What is diverse about this? Well it's diverse in lots of ways, not only does it contain no less than half of all the worlds species of plants, animals and insects, but it also has had hundreds of them destroyed (extinct). Because of mans choice to cut down parts of the forest. The forest can be known as a treasure house of resources. The bird life of the forests is unbelievingly profuse, brilliant and melodious. The trees and the forest floor teem with animals that few people have ever seen or even heard of. Many hundreds of fish have been evolved in the forests rivers and streams. The most diverse of all the living things in the tropical rainforest though is the insects, there are many hundreds of thousands, and maybe even about this amount not even discovered. The diversity is also shown by the Indians of Amazonia, with their ability to use more than 1600 pharmaceutical plant extracts. This vast medical potential has only been scratched. Each year 100,000-140,000 square kilometres of forest is destroyed. In a few decades a quarter of the entire world's store of biological species could vanish into oblivion. This deforestation brings local ruin, flooding, soil erosion and land infertility. World-wide it threatens to change climates, to accelerate global warming. And large areas of former rainforest end up as tough, virtually inedible grass, of no use to man or beast-natures ecological revenge! The loss of new drugs could prove disastrous, because many of the drugs that have not been discovered could well be cures to diseases such as cancer and the common cold. The forest processes are the soil system, rainforest ecosystem and the water cycle. The soil system, where the forests trees shed their leaves and branches. There is a layer of decomposing litter on the surface of the ground. Which is followed by a thin layer of nutrient rich soil. This is where the trees roots take back up all the nutrients. If trees are removed, then the whole nutrient cycle is broken, and all of the existing nutrients are washed away, this is called leaching. Leaving the soil infertile. The next process is the rainforest ecosystem. This is when the precipitation (rain) falls onto the trees leaves, and the suns energy also shines down onto the leaves, this causes evaporation in water vapour. Some of the water seeps through into ground water and surface run-off. The ecosystem is also when the nutrients are recycled, as stated in the soil system. The water cycle is when all the heavy rainstorms fall down on the forests layer of trees, and is evaporated or transpirated. A lot of this is recycled through the rivers, as they carry a lot of it back to the sea. The slash and burn process is a long one. It begins with human activities, as they cut down an area of the forest by hand. Some trees are left standing to protect the soil and if they have fruit and crops growing on them, then they will be left to. The wood is then burnt, destroying the natural seeds which reduces weeding. Ash from the burnt trees is then dug into the soil to provide fertiliser. New crops are the planted (e.g. yams, manioc, cassava). There is less vegetation to cover the ground, which exposes the soil, causing leaching and erosion. The yields then get less each year, mainly after 2-3 years. The farmers move on to clear a plot somewhere else, and start the whole process again. The plot in which the farmers have demolished is now abandoned. And will soon start to re-grow again, but less luxuriant, with fewer and lower species. This is called secondary growth. The ecological balance is restored after about 20 years. There are mainly 4 different other ways in which humans use the forest. (1), there is clearcutting, in which an area of the forest is completely cleared. Only valuable species are taken out and the rest are left and burned. This is a useful source of income. (2), Agroforestry, this is a farming technique that imitates the canopy and ‘layer' structure of the natural forest by planting trees as well as shorter- lived farm crops. This idea is similar to that of the Indian forest ‘gardens', but the area does not need to be abandoned for a fallow period. (3), this is biosphere reserve, this is a way of protecting part of the forest by leaving it ‘untouched' except for research and the collection of materials for plant breeding etc. The protected ‘core' area is surrounded by a ‘buffer zone' in which only certain human activities are allowed. The activities permitted will cause little damage to the ecosystem and will stop more demanding activities invading the area. (4), trees for annual crops and timber. The forest is cleared and replaced by stands of tree crops or quick-maturing timber trees. Once the trees grow, they again provide a protective canopy. Humans also use the forest for things such as mining, drugs and research for new drugs, fruits and other forms of food. There's lots of opinions on the rainforests. ‘Not to exploit and populate an area, is a luxury that people in Brazil cannot afford'. A question is, ‘what is more important man or tree?† This was taken from a former commander of the amazon region. An African farmer said, ‘If you pay me, I'll happily keep the forest standing. Otherwise I'll cut it down to make a living.† This is a very true remark, in which I have no arguments about. The farmer has to cut down forest, so he can continue living his life. The Observer and WWF (World Wildlife Federation) ‘not World Wrestling Federation! Wrote a section on the rainforest, which talks about how the forests are so good, yet humans are constantly at war with it. It says, ‘Trees bind the soil to the ground, regulate the waters of life, and manage the climate. They stand at the heart of the world's religions, and pervade our literature and culture. This is the good news, but the bad news is, ‘Yet we seem to be permanently at war with them. Barely a quarter of the world's primaeval forests still remain, and they are usually in remote places. Even these are now falling so fast that little of our natural heritage will be left for the next generation. In LEDC's such as Malaysia, where it has to use the forests resources. The only way to save the forests in the future is to help out the LEDC's and help them develop, therefore we will be saving the forest. 232,000 kilometres squared of tropical rainforest. The tropical rainforest in central areas and inaccessible areas, this is where urbanisation is destroying the forests. Conclusion; I have discovered some fascinating facts and opinions on the tropical rainforests. I have discovered all about the rainfall, soils, humans use of the forests, the extreme diversity, where the rainforests are to be located, the whole slash and burn process, and what to do in the future. I can now understand why the rainforests are so vital and important to us now and in the future, whether it is to do with drugs and cures, or the research of animals and other living creatures. My opinion is that everyone should try and do something to help in preserving the tropical rainforests. As it is for their own good, and something that has been created in the rainforests could help us in a big way in our futures e.g. a cure for a horrible disease.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Invisible Hand Essay

The invisible hand indicates situations that individuals pursuing their own self-interest leads to the social interest. It is all about free-market principles in operation and how they create desired results. The invisible hand reduces to a â€Å"laissez-faire† philosophy that sees government intervention into the markets as a real problem. The market mechanism of supply and demand communicates the wants of consumers to business and through business to resource suppliers. Competition forces business and resource suppliers to make appropriate responses. According to the invisible hand theory, each of us, acting in our own self-interests, generates a demand for goods and services that compels others to deliver those goods and services in the most efficient manner so that they may be able to receive compensation from others and make a profit in doing so. In this process, the invisible hand could be benevolent in the market because resources are allocated in the most efficient manner, in contrast to a process that relies on a centrally planned system. The invisible hand puts more resources into producing goods for which there is a shortage, as evidenced by high profit margins, at the expense of goods for which there is a surplus, as evidenced by low or negative profit margins. And the invisible hand keeps doing these adjustments continuously without anyone planning or ordering that society should produce more of what if needs and less of what it doesn’t need. In other words, the â€Å"invisible hand† represents all the social good incidentally caused by individuals pursuing their own self-interest. And it is true, the social benefits of the invisible hand are clearly seen in many cases. Firms are price takers in the market. So many firms that no one firm can influence price. It is also â€Å"homogeneous product†, rationality of all market actors and free entry and exit. A businessman who wants to become a millionaire must first come up with a product that is beneficial, pleasing and desired by thousand of customers. By pursuing his own greed, the millionaire also benefits society. The basic problem with the â€Å"invisible hand of the market† is that it is a metaphor, not a concept or principles; only simpletons refer to it as such. In practice, it is still too invisible, so governments are tempted to make it more visible through political interventions. It is clear why Smith says that moral norms are necessary for such a system to work in order for exchange to proceed, contracts must be enforceable, people must have good access to information about the products nd service available, and the rule of law must hold. Therefore, an invisible hand process is one in which the outcome to be explained is produced in a decentralized way, with no explicit agreements between the acting agents. The second essential component is that the process is not intentional. The agents’ aims are not coordinated nor identical with the acgual outcome, which is a byproduct of those aims. The process should work even without the agents having any knowledge of it. This why the process is called invisible.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Ikea Advertising Appeals

STUDY ABOUT 360-DEGREE EVALUATION: THE PROS AND CONS OF MULTI-SOURCE PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL INTRODUCTION: In an organization employees are the important asset and play a significant role in the progress of an organization. Nowadays firms usually focus on the human capital in the form of the employees by giving them training, assisting them in career development and also work on performance management in order to keep the employees motivated and dedicated by giving them feedback through performance appraisals.Through these performance appraisals the employees are informed about their strengths that they can enhance and about their weaknesses that they can improve in the future. Multi-source performance appraisal or 360-degree evaluation is basically a process in which the feedback is collected from different people that interacts with employee like his supervisors, coworkers, bosses, can be stakeholders etc.It is an important tool for Human Resource Management as the feedback is collec ted through the questionnaires in which the employees are asked to rate the particular employee in his performance and behavior. Its main purpose is to provide a healthy feedback to the employee that can highlight his strong and weak points and also helps in the development and the training of the employee. The feedback that is collected from different people is discussed between the manager and the particular employee.In this performance appraisal method the identity of a person who is filling the survey form is not shared with that particular employee. It also gives an impression to the employee that what other people think of him as in traditional appraisal method only the supervisor of particular employee gives the feedback about his performance but now due to involvement of people from different departments and different levels make the assessment less subjective and may be more accurate and honest.If one person says something about the employee then their can be chances of bia sness but if many people says the same thing and without the influence of someone then we can say that their might be something wrong or something good about that particular person. As nothing is perfect in this world, which means that there are some pros and cons of 360 degree evaluation method. This paper highlights the advantages and disadvantages of multi-source performance appraisal and also mentions some recommendation that can be used while implementing this performance appraisal method.The main importance is given on the pros and cons of this method that can help the organization to decide whether to continue with the traditional appraisal method or to go with 360-degree evaluation method. ANALYSIS: The multi-source performance appraisal method plays a vital role for employees. It makes the employees to think about their attitude and behavior and about others perception about them. It also identifies the areas in which a particular employee performed well and also where he c ould not come up to the expectations.There are a lot of advantages and disadvantages of multi-source performance appraisal which are as follows: ?Advantages of Multi-Source Performance Appraisal Method: The main advantage of this method is that it provides feedback from different levels of organization and it is not restricted to supervisor or the manager as in the traditional performance appraisal method, as shown in the Appendix-I. In this method the employee is the centre of attention of all the people and the main goal of this method is to make the performance of that employee better than before as shown in Appendix-II.Due to the use of rating from different people, 360 degree evaluation method enhances the quality of the performance procedures and gives a detailed view. This method is useful to the supervisor as it can provide more authentic assessment of the performance of the employee and can help to eradicate the chances of biasness due to which it becomes easier for the sup ervisor to come to a certain conclusion related to that particular worker. Another advantage of this method is that through this feedback the top managers can make decisions related to the promotion or sometimes extermination of an employee.It also helps to highlight those areas in which the employee can be trained and it is also beneficial in the employee development. This appraisal method can be beneficial for those people who are in inferiority complex and underestimate themselves, to change their mindset and remain motivated after getting a positive feedback from their co-workers, bosses etc. One of the major benefits of this method is that it reduces the chance of discrimination as the feedback is collected from a very diverse group of individuals.It is an important tool to bring a change in the performance of an employee that result in organizational effectiveness. It is also beneficial in making the performance of the employee parallel with business values. Customer service m ay be improved by the front line employees by getting feedback from the customers through this method as this provide the opportunity to the employees to think on those areas where they are not performing well. Due to above advantages of multi-source performance appraisal method many big companies like Johnson and Johnson Limited, IBM , Xerox etc. se this method and are very successful in today’s competitive world as this method is more accurate and gives more reliable information than the traditional performance appraisal methods. ?Disadvantages of Multi-Source Performance Appraisal Method: This method had a lot of advantages but there are some disadvantages that may create doubt of whether to opt for this method or not. This method is quite complex and time taking and also very costly as it involves a lot of hassle to make the survey form filled from different people and conclude the ratings.This method can be dangerous and can produce very destructive results if it is not conducted properly and also if it is not done correctly then it can become a huge waste of time. This process can become difficult to handle and manage if there are too many people involved. One of the major disadvantages is that sometimes there are questionnaires in which the comments are not clearly understandable and needs some further explanation from those people who filled that form but due to anonymous feedback it is extremely difficult to trace out those people as a result of whom the results may not be so accurate or authentic.Human beings are major part of this method as every individual have personal preferences so there are chances that some people may rank a person in such a way so that an employee looks good or sometimes bad and may also some people got together and form a group and gave evaluation in favor or against of someone. This will probably occur in those conditions when there is no proper checking or supervision that how the questionnaires are being filled. RE COMMENDATIONS:Due to disadvantages of this method it can be difficult for an organization to select this performance appraisal method. So there are some recommendations that can help to control the pitfalls of this method. 360-degree evaluation method should be conducted carefully so that accurate results could be obtained. The managers who are supervising this whole procedure should identify those areas on which they want to collect information for a particular employee like questions related to leadership skills may be asked, or may be related to employee behavior with his subordinates etc.It should also be considered that the questionnaire should not be so long that it consumes a lot of time and the employees utilize most of their work time in filling the survey form. Employees should be trained in such a way that the people who are giving the feedback remain positive and practical rather than considering personal grudges and also those who received the feedback should take it in a constructive way even if it indicates some of the weaknesses of an employee.An employee can be given an option to choose the people from whom feedback he wants but the management has to make sure that they are not his friends or not so close to him. The manager or the supervisor who will communicate the feedback to the particular employee should deal him like a psychologist and should have some training that how to share the feedback with the employee so that he does not react very badly and not become demotivated from the feedback.There are some people who do not want to change themselves so if the appraisal is related to those employees then the supervisor should be careful in communicating the feedback and also try to share the feedback in such a way that he tries to change himself. The identities of the appraisers remain confidential but there should be some source of identification through which the management can identify the person if there is some problem in understanding the comments in their filled form. The employee whose performance is being measured should be treated with great respect and esteem.As the world is changing with the evolution of information technology and organizations are improving their technology in order to remain competitive, this performance appraisal method should be moved from the paper to the computerized system. Software should be installed in order to get online feedback of the multi-source performance appraisal, in this way employees can fill the form online and it will reduce the hassle and also lessen the time of conducting whole procedure. The feedback system should be aligned with the culture of an organization and also the rating instruments should be reliable so that accurate results could be obtained.CONCLUSION: The 360-degree feedback is used by many organizations as this process has become very famous in today’s’ world. This method involves the feedback from different people which can make the fe edback more reliable and authentic. Due to a lot of popularity of this method many organizations are now trying to adapt this method so that they could become more competitive in today’s global world. This tool should be used with a lot of care and responsibility so that the results that will be obtained should be authentic.

Changing Economies of Asia

Globalization is the process of spreading the people, ideas and goods across the world. It increases the connectivity and interaction between the different cultures, governments and economies in the world. Globalization is used mostly to denote the connectivity of economies in case of free trade, flow of capital, and labor markets in foreign used by corporate o maximize their returns[1]. From the last few years, numbers of MNC’s are increasing which result in increasing of globalization. MNC’s stands for multinational companies, which establish their production house in number of countries. Activities conducted by multinational organizations contribute in the increasing trend of economic globalization. In last 15 years economic integration process is developed at wide level. There is tremendous growth in the three aspects of economic globalization that is trade, foreign direct investment (FDI) and the international transfer of knowledge and technology. MNC’s set up their production houses in those countries where there is availability of cheap labor, liberal government policies are there, and where markets can be reached easily[2]. In this paper we discuss the impact of globalization on value chains, and also focus on the other topics which are closely related to this topic. In last we conclude the essay with the conclusion in which we describe the impact in concise way. Before discussing the impact of globalization on value chain, it is necessary that we understand the term value chain, its features defined by porter, and difference between value chain and supply chain. Value chain means activities conducted by corporate that creates value at every step. Process of value chain focuses on separating the useful activities from the waste activities. Activities which are value creating give many advantages to the corporate such as brand image, lower cost of manufacturing product and many more. The concept of value chain is defined by Michael Porter in his book launched in 1980 named as ‘competitive advantage’. According to porter value chain consists primary activities and support activities[3]. Primary activities and support activities are defined below:   There is misconception among the people that value chain and supply chain share similar concept, but there is a difference between supply chain and value chain. Supply chain is a process which interconnects all the activities, which means activities start from the manufacturing of product and ends when the product sold to the final consumer. Whereas, value chain is a process in which company conduct activities which add value to the product. Basically, these two concepts help in enhancing the quality of the products[6]. The basic differences between these two concepts are mention below: It focuses on value addition to the product at every step. Its main objective is to reach customer satisfaction Its aim is to gain competitive advantage. It is originated from management of operations. It is originated from business management. After discussing the definition and features of value chain, now we discuss how globalization has affected the value chains. A new concept was introduced that is global value chains. The economy at global level is structured around the Global Value Chain (GVC) which contributes in the increasing share of international trade, GDP, and employment.   GVCs basically connect the companies, workers and consumers around the world, and also provide chance to companies and workers of developing countries to connect and stand in the global economy. For many countries which have low level of income it is important for their development that they adopt the concept of global value chains, and insert themselves in these chains. GVCs helps in competing in the global market, capture the gains in the terms of national economic development, and it also builds the capability to generate more and better jobs which result in reducing the poverty and unemployment[7]. Now, GVCs become the most important factor for the economic globalization which was supported by the new opportunities which are technical in nature, and advantages of economic specialization. However, it is clear that GVCs play an important role in the development of economies. Current Trade Rules are not supporting the concept of GVCs, therefore new trade rules are required for GVCs. GVCs connect the markets of goods and services, which facilitate the production of goods outside the final firm. These networks based on the unbundling of different steps of the production process. GVCs make the unbundling of task easier, for example electronics/ICT, automotive and garments[8]. Impact of globalization on value chains can be understand with the help of these two terms vertical disintegration and smile curve. Vertical disintegration means that procedure which was followed by one company to cover all the activities related to raw material, administration, production, and end product. The vertical disintegration in global value chain has two important factors in the global economy[9]. Globalization and vertical integration shares a relationship from many years. John McLaren explains that globalization and vertical disintegration is not that much supportive?   The term vertical integration confer a externality which is negative in nature, which results in thinning the markets for inputs and destroy the opportunities in market[10]. On the other hand, the concept of smiling curve in relation o global value chain is used at the level of individual firms, but it was not much used on the level of industry and country. The concept of smile curve was introduced by th e Stan Shih in 1992. He observed that if both the ends of value chain shows the value added to the product, and if this concept was presented in the graph in which Y-axis is denoted for value added and X-axis is denoted for value chain. This graph automatically shapes in smile[11]. In last, we discuss the role of MNCs in outsourcing, cross border trade and trade in intermediate goods. First we discuss the role of MNCs in outsourcing, Outsourcing by MNCs provide competitive advantage and cost benefit to the companies. There are many more benefits which companies grab from the outsourcing such as enhancing the quality of the product, restructuring of product cost, and many more. Many MNCs are used outsourcing as their global strategy because of these benefits. In last few years the concept of outsourcing was growing at large level and it becomes beneficial for developing countries like India, China, Malaysia, etc. but there is disadvantage also such as job losses of the people who are belong to home country of MNCs[12]. Second we discuss the role of MNCs in cross border trade, MNC is an organization that engaged in the foreign direct investment (FDI). MNCs also engaged and control the activities of value adding in number of countries. These companies can be public or private both, structure of these companies generally consists parent companies which was established in the home country and control the subsidiaries which are established in different countries across the world[13]. Usually, MNCs engaged in cross border trade to access the market of different countries and expand the operations of its business. They also make cross border trade to improve the efficiency of production and operations. Companies set their units for production in different countries where cheap labor is easily available[14].   In way of increasing the profits many MNCs adopts the concept of horizontal and vertical integration. For achieving their profitability MNCs set their production or distribution units in other coun tries. Usually, MNCs adopt three strategies to adopt the foreign market and facilitate cross border trade such as they sign agreement with the local units of that country to sell the products of MNCs, MNCs set subsidiaries in the foreign countries under the act of that country, and in last MNCs opens branches in the foreign country which is not legally independent business units[15][16]. In last we conclude, that global value chains contribute at wide level across the world. It plays an important role in the development of economy at global level.   In this paper we discuss the impact of Globalization on the value chain, and other related topics such as definition and concept of value chain, and role of MNCs in the global economy. Value chain means activities conducted by corporate that creates value at every step, and value chain consists of two activities that is primary activity and support activity. In this we discuss the impact of globalization on value chain with help of two factors which are vertical disintegration and smile curve, and in last role of MNC which states that Activities conducted by multinational organizations contribute in the increasing trend of economic globalization. In last 15 years economic integration process is developed at wide level. There is tremendous growth in the three aspects of economic globalization that is trade, foreign direct investment (FDI) and the international transfer of knowledge and technology. This paper also states the role of MNCs in outsourcing, and cross border trade which giv e more emphasis on how MNCs grab the foreign market and increase their profitability.   Techtarget. 2016. Globalization. The internet journal of search cio. Http://   jà ¶rn kleinert. 2001. The role of multinational enterprises in globalization: an empirical overview. The internet journal of kiel institute. Https://   The economic times. Definition of 'value chain'. The internet journal of economic times. Http://   IFM. Decision support tools. The internet journal of university of cambridge. Http://  Ã‚   q stock inventory. 2013. Comparing value chain and supply chain. Http://   Gary Gereffi & Karina Fernandez-stark. 2011. Global value chain analysis: a primer. Http://   carlos a. Primo braga. 2013. Globalization in the 21st century: The role of global value chains. The internet journal of imd. Http://   michael g. Jacobides. 2005. Industry change through vertical disintegration: how and why markets emerged in mortgage banking. The internet journal of academy of management journal. Http://   John McLaren. Globalization and Vertical Structure.   Ming YE , Bo MENG , and Shang-jin WEI. 2015. Measuring Smile Curves in Global Value Chains.   Linked In. 2015. Outsourcing by multinational companies - global corporate strategy.   Hendrix Mbuckwa. 2016. The role &impact of multinational corporations (MNCS) in Malawi.   UNC. Multinational Corporations in the Global Economy. Richard Baldwin. 2013. Misthinking Globalisation: Twentieth-Century Paradigms and Twenty First-Century Challenges. The internet journal of Australian Economic History Review.   Supriya Guru. Role of Multinational Corporations (MNCs) in Foreign Investments.   Net MBA. The value chain. .com houses experts from all possible disciplines to help students in the best possible manner. 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